Well, here's one that I've been working on for a long, long time. Just never seemed to find the time to finish it. I would do a little here, a little there, and then let it sit. I made the base probably about 3 years ago. It's a CD that either a) came in the mail from AOL or b) came out of my burner as a coaster... but either way, it wasn't good for anything, so I put it to a better use. I covered it with grass flock from Citadel, and then a few shrubberies here and there. Used one of the clear rods from a Darth Maul droid (I think) to suspend the bike up off the ground.

Made a few changes to the bike as well... obviously you can see that I completely re-did the steering vanes. I always hated the ones on here originally. One of the reasons this has taken me soooo long to finish was that I was trying to come up with a way to make a working piston, as I wanted the steering vanes to be able to move up and down. After numerous failures, I gave up and just made them stationary. I'll probably re-visit the idea some other time, as I really want to make one with completely articulated steering vanes. I also modified the part that connects the front of the bike to the body, and glued it together to get rid of the stupid exploding action.

Drilled some small holes in the foot rests and added some pegs so his feet can hold on. Used a Han Solo Endor coat and rolled it up for the blanket on back.

The Scout Trooper has also had some mods done. I modded the legs with the hips from a RotS AT-TE Gunner so he can spread his legs a bit better to sit down and look more natural, but he can still stand without looking like... yeah, you know. Removable helmet that came from the old GTG store, back in the day.