This figure was just a fun little guy to work on, to just pass some time and get myself back into being a little more motivated for doing this kind of work. I felt like I was getting a little burnt out doing too many super-heroes, so I needed to get myself back to that galaxy far, far away for a little bit. I'm really happy with the way that he turned out, I was going for a Mando-type look without being a Mando, and I think this figure pulls that off pretty well.

Like everybody else, I loved the new Deceived trailer for The Old Republic MMORPG. And, like everyone else, I thought that some of the new Rise of Cobra figures would make some cool Star Wars guys. So last week during the 2 for $9.99 sale at TRU I went ahead and grabbed a few.

They were all pretty cool, but I thought that one armored figure's arms were way too skinny, while the other armored figure's legs were huge... so I decided to do a little part swapping, and came up with this:
  • Torso/Upper legs: Reactive Impact Armor Duke
  • Arms: Delta-6 Accelerator Suit Ripcord (modified)
  • Helmet: Delta-6 Accelerator Suit Ripcord (heavily modified)
  • Lower Legs: Wraith
  • Backpack: Resolute Destro
  • Belt: ?
For the helmet, I took the Delta-6 helmet and glued it shut. I added some Fixit and sculpted a new visor area and some "vents" on top. Using some small styrene rods, I made the nozzles on either side of the breather. The breather part was some GI Joe mask w/goggles, I removed the goggles, flipped the breather upside down, and glued it in place. The hose from the Destro backpack fits in there perfectly.

*update: I've been advised that I actually put the thigh parts back together backwards... so I have to take some new photos with them on in the correct orientation.